Driving home from the shops this evening and half way home horrible metal scraping or squeaking sound as I drove alone, got home after a few minutes of embarrassment.
Couldn't see anything in the wheels that could have caught in a wheel. Got my wife to listen as I drove it backwards and forwards on the drive and it comes from both wheels!
Can't see any scraping lines on inside of the wheel paintwork and felt around and nothing.
Has anyone had similar?
I am low on main battery amber 13%, and had a red low battery warning, could this have any bearing on it?
To dark to investigate further tonight and will charge it up a fair bit over night.
Guess I'll be contacting smart if it's like this in the morning.
Can't believe both wheel picked up grit or something as it was on clear main road.
The noise does have the ring of the brake dust shield though?
Oh it's a Premium by the way so no front motor or drive shafts.
Metallic squealing/scrapping from both front wheels